14th National Winter Games Begins 100-day Countdown: Join...

November 9 marks the 100-day countdown to its opening ceremony. Let's come together to embrace the ice and snow and share in the excitement of this grand winter spectacle. To successfully host the 14th National Winter Games and be a gracious host, ...

残奥单板滑雪男子坡面回转-LL1级 残奥单板滑雪在2014年索契冬残奥会上,作为残奥高山滑雪的分项,首次成为冬残奥会正式比赛项目,到2018年平昌冬残奥会上,成为了独立的比赛大项。北京2022年冬残奥会残奥单板滑雪比赛,将在张家口赛区的云顶滑雪公园举行,运动员依据残疾程...

Winter除了表示冬天,还可以表示逆境,跟冬天在中文里的含义类似。字典里的解释为a period like winter; a period of decline, dreariness, or adversity。凛冬将至,全球疫情形势并不乐观。国内陆续出现零星疫情,各地正积极推进新冠疫苗加强针(booster)接种工作...

Winter sees an end in the last Nine days When blossoms and flowers smile in spring (来源:inkmoonworkshop.wordpress.com)冰、柳、雁、牛……像九九歌这样的气象谚语(weather ...

As for the features of the spring snowfall, Sun Jun, Chief Forecaster of CMO said that the snowfall process in last night was heavier than the snowfall in last March. Water condition in spring was always better than winter. So when cold air hit, we...

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